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Battle Of Adwa Italy's Terrible Defeat

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Battle Of Adwa Italy's Terrible Defeat


Rome, March 3. The present campaign against the Abyssinians threatens to become one of the most disastrous in which the Italian arms have ever taken part,  and what the final outcome will be it would be hard to predict.  It was rumored to-day that the latest defeat of the Italians by the forces of King Menelik had compelled the Ministry to resign.  owing to the popular disapproval of the Government's policy,  but tonight this report is denied. 

Details received here to-day of the defeat on Sunday of the Italian Army show that the Italian losses were very heavy,  they being placed by some at 3,000 killed.  It is still impossible to ascertain the precise losses,  but popular opinion credits the report that the number of killed is not over-  stated.  Thus far the reports make no mention of the number of wounded.  Among the dead are Gen.  Albertone,  Commander of the Left Brigade and Gen.  Dabormida,  Commander of the Right Brigade.  The news of this latest disaster has caused the greatest excitement throughout Italy and the opposition Party is taking advantage of it to make violent attacks upon the Government's policy in attempting to Italy, and the opposition Party is taking advantage of it to make violent attacks upon the Government's policy in attempting to extend the sphere of Italian influence in Abyssinia. 

 The scenes in the streets to-day were very exciting,  the populace being greatly incensed against the Government.  The Pope is greatly disturbed by the news He has ordered the suspension of the Te Deum and diplomatic banquet which were to be given in celebration of the anniversary of his coronation.  

A meeting of the Cabinet was called last night immediately upon the receipt of the news of the Italian reverse.  The Ministers met at midnight and sat in closed session until late this morning discussing the situation.

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The New York Times March 4,1996
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